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  • BENTLY NEVADA - 330500 Velomitor Piezo-velocity Proximity Sensor

BENTLY NEVADA - 330500 Velomitor Piezo-velocity Proximity Sensor

Update Terakhir
22 / 04 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
50 kali



Detail BENTLY NEVADA - 330500 Velomitor Piezo-velocity Proximity Sensor

Bently Nevada Velomitor Piezo-velocity Sensors are designed to measure absolute (relative to free space) bearing housing, casing, or structural vibration. The 330500 is a specialized piezoelectric accelerometer that incorporates embedded integrated electronics in a solid-state design.

Because the 330500 incorporates solid-state electronics and has no moving parts, it does not suffer from mechanical degradation and wear, and can be mounted vertically, horizontally, or at any other angle of orientation

Measuring Housings for Transducer Placement
If you are measuring a machine housing to determine where to place transducers, consider the types of measurements you want to obtain. Most common machine malfunctions like imbalance or misalignment originate at the rotor and cause a change—usually an increase—in rotor vibration.

If you integrate the 330500 Velomitor output to measure displacement, electrical noise from interference and the transducer circuit can be amplified. The noise can degrade performance of 330500 transducers and produce inaccurate displacement data.

To obtain high quality data, place the transducer in a location where it can best detect machine vibration through the bearing housing or machine casing. Choose a location, grounding, and shielding that maximizes amplitude and frequency response and lessens data that doesn’t represent actual machine vibration.

Bently Nevada provides engineering services to determine the optimum location to install transducers. For assistance, contact Bently Nevada customer care or visit
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